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Smile😊 for No Reason


Updated: Jul 7, 2021

For every small thing that does not satiate our desires, we blame life of being unfair. We believe that every day is a battle.But that day, looking at that smile, I realised why people believe that every day we live and breathe is a gift.

I did not quite understand what it meant, to be doing the job that you did, until one day you took me to your workplace. It was like visiting a play school; students running, shouting, greeting, all at the same time. I wasn’t quite sure how to react or how to behave.

Down syndrome, they called it! I had done my research. According to Wikipedia, it was a genetic disease that may cause physical impairments and decelerate mental growth. I understood what it meant, but what I did not understand was, why were the kids blamed for a condition that was imposed on them as a side-effect of being born?

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As a Final Year Bachelors student, life was a battle for me at that moment. Decisions about the future, project submissions and college applications, my mind was clouded with thoughts of mere materialistic things that morning like every other day. And then there was a very shrill shout that came from nowhere, “Good Morning, ma’am!” A girl, whose age I couldn’t distinguish, was so happy just to see you that automatically my brain urged my mouth to stretch. “Muskaan” gave me an involuntary smile after ages!

The day started for you like any other day at work, but for me it was a day meant to explore

The Flower Unit, the Bakery, the Stationary Unit, the Jewellery Unit, the Diya Unit, the Computer Room; so much creativity brewing under one roof! As engineers we talk of innovation and sustainability, but who could have thought that people who are not accepted in the “civilized society” could be performing miracles for the society.

Joyous Moment

I wandered around from room to room, looking at them, trying to understand what might be going inside their head. Sometimes their eyes gave away too much, the light and the excitement, and sometimes they gave nothing, like a blank canvas. I heard teachers talk about improvements in behaviours, the gusto and the devotion wrapped around every word they uttered for a student. I learnt the medical value of love and affection, with every room that I crossed. I folded envelopes with a student in the Stationary Unit. We never exchanged a single word, only glances then and there and a smack on my hand if I did it wrong, and the authentic smile when it was time for lunch.

For every small thing that does not satiate our desires, we blame life of being unfair. We believe that every day is a battle. But that day, looking at that smile, I realised why people believe that every day we live and breathe is a gift. That life is not unfair to those who cannot understand the meaning of unfair. We don’t recognise the life around us and slowly it decays and dies, taking away with it, all the things that propel us to smile. How lucky are these people who never give life a chance to weigh them down because they are just too busy simply smiling at life. How lucky are their parents to have a continuous reason to love unconditionally, to smile irresistibly and to live selflessly!

Smile!😊 It is such a small five-lettered word, not holding a lot of significance in the literary world, and yet has the most powerful affect when delivered physically. Smile, from someone, just anyone, can turn a bad day around to make it the best day of your life. Smile, to see how different the world looks in a blink of an eye. Smile, that’s what they believe in, every day, day-after-day. Smile, not because they have to, but because it is a way of living life.

Muskaan! It didn’t give me a reason to smile, it gave me a Smile😊 for no reason!

Written By : Kalyani

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